You can increase your chances of winning the lottery, here are a few methods that i have discovered online. To win a prize with the Lottery you need to reduce the the odds in any way possible. We all know the odds are ridiculously high, So how can this be done? Syndicates are a good start. The most common is where every syndicate member has a different combination of numbers. This works quite well because a wide range of numbers and mixes of numbers are chose, increasing the chance of a shared prize with each member of the syndicate. Other syndicates like the online E-lottery are available with a difference. This method places members in a syndicate that have five of the same numbers with the sixth number being different through the remaining numbers none of witch are the same. This is proven to increase chances of winning a prize by as much as 702 percent. Many People believe that there is a element of math in random number selection. These people believe that the more often a ba...
Wecome to your chance to win. This is a blog following lotteries, prize draws, and other competitions online. There's so many to choose from with so many prizes to win. So why not follow them on one blog. Feel free to follow and add any comments.