So you want to become an e-lottery affiliate, Don't make these common mistakes.
For further information about the E-lottery and the E-lottery business opportunity, request my information pack

- Probably the worst thing you can do is spam people, in other words sending information to people that have not requested it. Examples include going on forums and sending private messages to them. This will get you banned from forums.
- This applies with emails too, using a list of email addresses off the Internet is sure to get your Internet provider to withdraw your contract if you get reported.
- No action. Obviously if you take no action you wont succeed, more action equals more success. There is no such things as easy money. Many affiliates lead others into thinking there is, but it simply is not true.
- Confusing people, the E-lottery business is simple so keep it simple. don't waste time telling people about it until you have established an interest from them. If prospects answer no to a simple question about the your product move on. if you carry on confusing them, it will give them doubt about the product you are promoting, who knows they may come back later and ask for further information. That would then be the time to give them more information about this great lottery product.
- Not knowing the product your selling, In this case the E-lottery. How stupid would you look promoting something you don't know about, or how it works. I would suggest learning the product, if you have problems remembering create some flyer's or a simple card with information on to remind you some key points.
- Quitting before you have even started. Every business takes loads of time and effort to see any results. The same applies with networking and affiliate marketing.
- No Plan, well how on earth do you think you are going to achieve anything with no plans or goals.
- Being prepared, If you are not prepared and don't carry information with you you wont be able to show your prospect this great opportunity or game, which ever you choose to promote. Don't leave home without flyer's, DVDs or web link cards.
For further information about the E-lottery and the E-lottery business opportunity, request my information pack