I received a email a couple of days ago about VWD and the e-lottery. Could not believe it's content, after a search around the Internet and VWD forum it would appear the VWD have ceased to trade. Reasons of this is uncertain. I am totally gutted, I loved this company from the structure of it's games to the care and support to players and affiliates alike. Lets hope this company resolves it's problems and starts trading again.
The problem now is that much of the content on this blog is irrelevant to my disappointment. But with most things in life, you have just got to get up and get on with it. I have decided to keep this blog alive. I will keep writing articles about lottery products but also try and bring you some great online games with tips in the form of articles as before. I will explain how online games are played and where to play them.
Your Chance to Win now has it's own URL. It will still have it's blog-spot URL but also now can be searched as:- http://yourchancetowin.co.uk/

The problem now is that much of the content on this blog is irrelevant to my disappointment. But with most things in life, you have just got to get up and get on with it. I have decided to keep this blog alive. I will keep writing articles about lottery products but also try and bring you some great online games with tips in the form of articles as before. I will explain how online games are played and where to play them.
Your Chance to Win now has it's own URL. It will still have it's blog-spot URL but also now can be searched as:- http://yourchancetowin.co.uk/